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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Rlys resumes ops, 1.5 lakh to board trains today

More than 1.45 lakh passengers will board 200 special express and mail trains from Monday when the railways restarts its operations. The state-run transporter said it was monitoring booking of tickets and would soon take a decision on resuming operations of Duronto, Shatabdi and Garib Rath trains. It's being seen as a step towards a graded restoration of passenger train services.

from Mix ID 8289560

India expels two Pak envoys for espionage

In a joint operation conducted by the military intelligence and Delhi Police's special cell, three staff members from the Pakistan high commission were apprehended red-handed while trying to exchange stolen classified documents, in a development that might further strain the already tense ties with the hostile neighbour. Three have been found to be directly linked to the ISI.

from Mix ID 8289560

Ahead of unlocking, highest single-day jump in Covid-19 cases

On the last day of Lockdown 4.0, as both Central and state governments prepared for a phased unlocking of curbs to get the economy up and running again, India saw its highest ever jump in Covid-19 infections with 8,237 cases being reported during the day. With a total of 1,85,061 cases reported till late on Sunday, India climbed to the eighth spot among countries worst-hit by the virus.

from Mix ID 8289560

Trump wants to expand G7 to include India

US President Donald Trump wants to reformat G7, the group of seven advanced economies in the world, to make it a G10 or G11 that would include India, Australia, South Korea, and Russia. Calling the existing formation “outdated,” Trump revealed the idea of an expanded group after announcing that he was scrubbing the G7 he had planned to host at Camp David in June.

from Mix ID 8289560

Coronavirus changes how doctors deal with death

Five doctors administering end-of-life care reflect on the current crisis.

from BBC News - Home

Our masked identities: Cartoons of India's new normal

Cartoonist Priya Kurian documents how masks became prevalent in India - even before its lockdown.

from BBC News - Home

How Venezuela's fuel crisis is hitting coronavirus victims

Venezuela's fuel crisis has been so acute that even funeral homes are struggling to transport bodies to the cemetery.

from BBC News - Home

'People use us to go to sleep to': Sudoku solvers become internet sensation

Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are watching these men solve Sudoku puzzles.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The South African village preparing for Covid-19

For people in South Africa's rural areas trying to protect themselves from Covid-19, hand washing in clean water isn't possible.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: When will shops open and what will the rules be?

Non-essential shops can reopen in England in June, but will I be able to buy a book or have a haircut?

from BBC News - Home

George Floyd death: Why do some protests turn violent?

In the US, peaceful protests over police violence have escalated into widespread riots and looting.

from BBC News - Home

Remote working: How cities might change if we worked from home more

Our homes, transport and city-centre spaces would change if we worked from home for good.

from BBC News - Home

Russia and Turkey risk turning Libya into another Syria

Gen Haftar's forces have been beaten back from Tripoli but that does not mean peace is at hand.

from BBC News - Home

Carly Fiorina's journey from secretary to CEO

The US entrepreneur started her business career answering the phone, and went on to lead Hewlett-Packard.

from BBC News - Home

Dancing On My Own: The story behind Robyn's 2010 'sad banger'

The Swedish singer discusses her pop classic, and how she once became 'tired of the broken heart'.

from BBC News - Home

China Using Tactical Situation On Ground To Its Advantage: Mike Pompeo

China is using a tactical situation on the ground to its advantage and it has been making threats, like the one that is happening on its border with India, for a long time, US Secretary of State Mike...

from NDTV News - Special

Unrest demonstrates Biden's challenge in showing leadership

Unrest demonstrates Biden's challenge in showing leadershipPresident Donald Trump spent much of Sunday using Twitter as a bullhorn to urge “law and order” and tougher action by police against protestors around the country. Joe Biden quietly visited the site of protests in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, and talked to some of the demonstrators. Earlier, he wrote a post on Medium expressing empathy for those despairing about the killing of George Floyd.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Cyprus to launch SMS campaign to stem migrant arrivals

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Atlanta mayor: 2 officers fired in 'excessive force' arrests

Atlanta mayor: 2 officers fired in 'excessive force' arrestsTwo police officers have been fired and three others placed on desk duty over excessive use of force during a protest arrest incident involving two college students, Atlanta's mayor said Sunday. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said at a news conference that she and police Chief Erika Shields made the decision after reviewing body-camera footage of a Saturday night incident that first gained attention from video online and on local news. “Use of excessive force is never acceptable," Bottoms told reporters.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Coronavirus: Some primary schools reopen as parents remain wary

Classes resume for some pupils in England after 10 weeks but a number of schools will stay shut.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: 'Our business can now get cracking' after lockdown

Outdoor markets and car showrooms in England are allowed to reopen from Monday amid the pandemic.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Belgian Prince Joachim apologises for Spanish lockdown party

Prince Joachim, who contracted coronavirus after attending a party in Spain, "regrets" his actions.

from BBC News - Home

The Papers: 'A million pupils stay home' as some schools return

Some primary school years in England returning and lockdown rules easing feature in Monday's papers.

from BBC News - Home

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Oli’s map plan gets Nepal oppn backing

With Nepal’s chief opposition party Nepali Congress endorsing Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli’s constitutional amendment, the move to "update" Nepal's map to include Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani in the national emblem is likely to go through with the required two-thirds majority, a development that will worsen the crisis in India-Nepal relations.

from Mix ID 8289560

'Covid-19 doubling time improves to 15.4 days'

The doubling time of coronavirus cases in India has improved to 15.4 days from 13.3 days, the Union health ministry said on Saturday, as the country's Covid-19 death toll climbed to 4,971 and the total cases rose to 1,73,763. The doubling time improved during the past three days, it said. As many as 11,264 Covid-19 patients have been cured in the last 24 hours.

from Mix ID 8289560

Teepee built at East Bergholt school to allow social distancing

The structure was constructed by staff at an events company whose children attend the school.

from BBC News - Home

US faith leaders wrestle twin traumas in protests, virus

US faith leaders wrestle twin traumas in protests, virusAmerican religious leaders across faiths are grappling with the heavy burden of helping to heal two active traumas: rising civil unrest driven by the police killing of George Floyd and the coronavirus pandemic. Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders have raised their voices to condemn racial bias in the justice system while discouraging violence in response to the killing of Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed a knee into his neck. At Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, which has provided relief and medical help to demonstrators this week as protests roiled the city, associate pastor Angela T. Khabeb said the shared pain caused by Floyd’s death was exposing the brutal double toll being exacted on people of color.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Squad cars damaged, protesters struck with batons in Chicago

Squad cars damaged, protesters struck with batons in ChicagoSeveral police cars were damaged, including at least one set on fire, as protests continued Saturday over the death of George Floyd, a handcuffed black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes. Officers struck multiple demonstrators with batons amid the protest near the Trump Tower on the city's Near North Side, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. The demonstration began at 2 p.m. and protesters began marching north about 90 minutes later, the Chicago Tribune reported.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Trump delays 'outdated' G7 leaders' summit

The US president says he is postponing this year's meeting and wants to invite other leaders as well.

from BBC News - Home

George Floyd death: Violence breaks out amid US protests

Images from street protests across the US on Saturday following the death of black man George Floyd.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The self-isolation choir with worldwide members

This weekend thousands of people will gather as an online choir to perform Handel’s Messiah.

from BBC News - Home

In the middle of the Pacific with nowhere to land

A group of performers were halfway across the ocean in a 75ft boat when the pandemic erupted - leaving them with nowhere to go.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: 'I'm high risk but made a full recovery'

Positive stories from people considered at high risk who have made a full recovery from coronavirus.

from BBC News - Home

My Money: 'Our alternative quarantine holiday'

Alyssa Hulme from Utah in the US takes us through her weekly spending during the coronavirus pandemic.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Independent cinemas unlikely to open before September

An Independent Cinema Office survey found only a quarter of venues planned to open before autumn.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus doctor's diary: Why does Covid-19 make some healthy young people really sick?

Dr John Wright tells the story of Marium Zameer, who became very unwell with Covid-19 despite being young and healthy.

from BBC News - Home

Angela Merkel declines Donald Trump’s G7 invite to Camp David

Angela Merkel declines Donald Trump’s G7 invite to Camp DavidAngela Merkel has reached her own Camp David accord — she’s not going. The German chancellor reportedly has politely rebuffed President Trump’s Group of 7 summit invitation at the Maryland presidential retreat, reported Politico. “The federal chancellor thanks President Trump for this invitation to the G7 summit at the end of June in Washington,” government spokesman Steffen Seibert told the site.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Coronavirus in South Africa: Eight lessons for the rest of the continent

Coronavirus in South Africa: Eight lessons for the rest of the continentWhat South Africa can teach other African countries gearing up for a spike in infections.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


8,000+ fresh cases in a day, toll crosses 5k

India’s Covid-19 caseload went past 1.75 lakh on Saturday, three days after crossing the 1.5 lakh milestone, as the number of new infections touched another new peak, going past 8,000 for the first time in a single day. Fresh cases have risen to new highs in seven of the last 10 days. The countrywide coronavirus-related death toll crossed the 5,000 mark, as 200 fatalities were reported on Saturday.

from Mix ID 8289560

Lockdown contained, unlocking in 3 phases

In keeping with the increasing easing of the lockdown, the Centre on Saturday set out a three-phase "unlock" plan that will restrict curbs to containment zones and permit reopening of malls, hotels and restaurants, inter-state travel and religious places in keeping with rules (SOPs) to be issued by the health ministry.

from Mix ID 8289560

SpaceX rocket lifts off on historic private crewed flight

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साल्जबर्ग फुटबॉल क्लब 7वीं बार ऑस्ट्रियन कप जीता, खिताबी मुकाबले में लुस्तेनाऊ को हराया

कोरोनावायरस के बीच धीरे-धीरे खेल पटरी पर लौट रहा है। शनिवार को वायरस के बीच ऑस्ट्रियन कप फुटबॉल टूर्नामेंट का फाइनल खेला गया। रेड बुल साल्जबर्ग ने 7वीं बार कप पर कब्जा जमाया। साल्जबर्ग ने फाइनल में ऑस्ट्रिया लुस्तेनाऊ को 5-0 से हराया। यह मैच बिना दर्शकों के खेला गया था।

लॉकडाउन में रियायत मिलने के बाद रेडबुल साल्जबर्ग का यह पहला मैच था। मैच की शुरुआत से ही साल्जबर्ग विपक्षी टीम पर हावी रही और हाफटाइम तक 2-0 की बढ़त ले ली। दूसरे हाफ में भी टीम ने यही सिलसिला बरकरार रखाऔर तीन और गोल दाग दिए। लुस्तेनाऊ ने वापसी की कोशिश की। लेकिन वह गोल अंतर को नहीं कम कर सकीऔर आखिर में साल्जबर्ग ने मैच 5-0 से जीत लिया।

सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग के साथ जश्न

फाइनल जीतने के बाद साल्जबर्ग टीम के खिलाड़ियों ने सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग के नियमों का पालन करते हुए जश्न मनाया।वहीं, रनर अप रही टीम के खिलाड़ियों को भी मेडल नहीं पहनाए गए। उन्होंने खुद अपने मेडल उठाए।

मार्श की बतौर मैनेजर यूरोप मेंपहली बड़ी जीत

साल्जबर्ग टीम के मैनेजर जैसे मार्श के लिए भी यह जीत ऐतिहासिक है। क्योंकि मार्श अमेरिका के ऐसे पहले कोच हैं, जिसने यूरोपियन ट्रॉफी जीती है। मार्श इससे पहले न्यूयॉर्क रेड बुल के मैनेजर रह चुके हैं और अमेरिका में ही पैदा हुए हैं।

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ऑस्ट्रियन कप के फाइनल में रेड बुल साल्जबर्ग ने एसी ऑस्ट्रिया लुस्तेनाऊ को 5-0 से हराया।

from Mix ID 8289560

Pilot +ve, AI recalls plane to Moscow from midway

An Air India aircraft winging its way from Delhi to Moscow on Saturday morning had to be called back to Delhi from over Uzbekistan after the airline realised that one of the pilots onboard had tested corona positive. An oversight by the team checking pre-flight test reports of crew members had mistakenly read this captain’s positive report as negative.

from Mix ID 8289560

The Papers: Testing 'disgrace' and public's 'broken trust'

Britain's test and trace policy and Dominic Cummings' lockdown trip dominate Sunday's papers.

from BBC News - Home

In pictures: Peru's most catastrophic natural disaster

On 31 May 1970 an earthquake struck in Peru, triggering a landslide and leading to the deaths of 70,000.

from BBC News - Home

George Floyd: ‘As a black American I am terrified’

After the death of George Floyd, young African-Americans in Minneapolis say they are scared for their safety.

from BBC News - Home

Friday, May 29, 2020

Coronavirus: Belgian zoo comes back to life from lockdown

After two months without visitors, Pairi Daiza is welcoming the public back, but in smaller numbers.

from BBC News - Home

What is it like being at school in South Korea?

Strict safety measures are in place, but more than 200 schools have been forced to close just days after they re-opened.

from BBC News - Home

George Floyd death: Why has a US city gone up in flames?

Tensions in Minneapolis did not start with the death of George Floyd. They've been years in the making.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: School return plan 'like a jigsaw puzzle'

A head teacher explains how she is piecing school life back together before children return.

from BBC News - Home

'Hackers burned my hand with computer virus'

Student's computer overheated after it was hit with a "crypto-jacking" attack.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: How drive-in raves and cinemas will work in the UK

The events industry has new ways to keep us entertained while social distancing is still in place.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Bill Gates ‘microchip’ conspiracy theory and other vaccine claims fact-checked

Fact-checking vaccine claims - including ones about the ex-Microsoft boss and a dubious cow-dung trial.

from BBC News - Home

"Tremendous Suffering": In Letter To Nation, PM Modi Refers To Migrants

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a letter to the nation one year into his second term, said the nation took historic decisions and progressed rapidly in the last year but conceded that migrant...

from NDTV News - Special

Twinkle Had Her First "Maa Ke Haath Ka Khana." Courtesy, Dimple Kapadia

"It has only taken 46 years, a pandemic and an extended lockdown for my mother to make me my first meal-fried rice," wrote Twinkle

from NDTV News - Special

OLED vs QLED vs LED: Which Type of TV Should You Buy?

There are three popular TV screen technologies right now, and each has its distinct advantages and disadvantages. Find out which is the best for you by reading on.

from NDTV News - Special

Trump Fears The Minnesota Chaos Makes Him Look Weak

Trump Fears The Minnesota Chaos Makes Him Look WeakThe coronavirus pandemic stole from President Donald Trump his most prized political possession: a booming U.S. economy. Now racial unrest in Minnesota threatens to steal his second-most-prized one: an image of power and stability that he can project to supporters and adversaries alike.Hours into a spate of destruction and arrests in Minneapolis after the police killing of an unarmed black man, Trump was already threatening to send in the National Guard and warning that “looters” in the city would be shot—employing a phrase popularized by a former Miami police chief famous for “tough-on-crime” policies that targeted citizens of color.Trump walked back the latter statement a few hours later, saying he only meant that looters could end up shooting people, not that they should be shot. “I’ve heard that phrase for a long time. I don’t know where it came from or where it originated,” he declared later. “I wouldn't know a thing like that.”But his immediate jump to a forceful and potentially deadly resolution to the unrest underscored what knowledgeable sources said is deep distress at events that, in Trump’s view, make him appear weak. He told reporters at the White House on Friday that he didn’t want Minneapolis to "descend further into lawless anarchy and chaos."There’s a personal branding aspect to that desire, one senior administration official told The Daily Beast. “He sees civil disturbance as a referendum on his leadership,” the source said. "A show of force like sending in the National Guard is a way to reassert that authority and show he's in control.”Alarmed Minneapolis Protesters Meet National Guard with Racist PastA key component of Trump’s political appeal amid his meteoric rise during in 2015 and 2016 was his reliance on old-school law-and-order rhetoric that tacitly—and sometimes explicitly—laid the blame for civil unrest at the feet of his opponents and Washington’s political class. In many cases, that manifested in his reactions to previous riots and demonstrations in response to high-profile police killings.“Our country is totally fractured and, with our weak leadership in Washington, you can expect Ferguson type riots and looting in other places,” Trump tweeted in the wake of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the police shooting of Michael Brown. That unrest, in Trump’s view, made the country and its leaders look weak and ineffectual.“As China and the rest of the World continue to rip off the U.S. economically, they laugh at us and our president over the riots in Ferguson!” he declared in one tweet. “Can you imagine what Putin and all of our friends and enemies throughout the world are saying about the U.S. as they watch the Ferguson riot,” he said in another.In Trump’s mind, he was the antidote, and his supporters latched onto that image of a strong leader in firm control. The prospect of losing that image—and winding up on the receiving end of the same sorts of barbs he threw President Barack Obama’s way in 2014—makes him prone to visceral reactions when cable news networks broadcast images such as a burning American city onto his television, the former administration official said.It was the same impulse that led Trump to suggest in 2017 that he might employ the National Guard in an attempt to quell high rates of violent crime in Chicago. Just a year earlier, he’d booked a rally in the city that devolved into chaos when protesters succeeded in shutting down the event. Trump tried to turn it into a political asset. The protesters, he said at the time, “have totally energized America!”‘Burn It Down. Let Them Pay’: Deadly Chaos Erupts in Minneapolis as Fires Rage Over Police ViolenceThe unrest that Trump makes political hay of, in the end, is almost always the episodes that involve minority communities. As president, he notably tried to play the role of reconciliator for the white nationalist riots that upended Charlottesville and resulted in the death of a young woman. In the days prior to Minneapolis’ burning, Trump urged the Democratic governor of Michigan to have empathy and even meet with the armed white protestors who were demanding that she reopen the state more quickly in the wake of the COVID-related shutdown. That dichotomous approach is part of his political appeal. And as he was walking back the harsh tones of his looter tweets, some in the conservative media were encouraging him to act on it, fearful that something perceived as less forceful would be a potential body blow to his political brand. “Where is the law and order President?” asked Spectator columnist Amber Athey on Friday. “President Trump ought to be the tough but moral leader the city needs right now,” Athey wrote, “but his initial response was just as spineless as the rest.”As he continues to address the matter in the coming days and weeks, it’s highly unlikely that Trump will drift away from his typical “tough on crime” posturing, in part because he sees it as so integral to his political identity and victory.“The president sees attacks on the police as an attack on a key constituency,” said a current senior Trump administration official. “He sees his strong support for police a core part of who he is as a winner...I’ve heard him say several times [in recent months] things like, ‘I will never abandon our police. Joe Biden will.’”But there are complications. Trump isn’t simply running for office anymore. He’s holding it. And a tinderbox like Minneapolis is not so easy to address when the buck now stops with you. Just as he mused they would after Ferguson, Chinese government mouthpieces were quick to seize on the unrest there Friday to try to ding the administration. Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


At 4.2%, GDP growth in 2019-20 hits 11-year low

The country’s economic growth in the January-March quarter of 2019-20 expanded at its slowest pace in 40 quarters at 3.1%, dragged down by the manufacturing and construction sectors and some impact of the national lockdown in late March. Only the farm sector and government spending stayed firm.

from Mix ID 8289560

Curbs may be eased further after May 31

Home minister Amit Shah met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday to discuss the ongoing lockdown as well as the way ahead post-May 31, amid indications that curbs will be further eased with states being allowed more leeway to impose restrictions with key decisions to be taken on restarting Metros and opening malls and facilities like gyms.

from Mix ID 8289560

US to strip Hong Kong privileges: Trump

from Mix ID 8289560

5 Delhi luxury hotels made extended Covid hospitals

from Mix ID 8289560

Trump says US 'terminating' relationship with WHO

US President Donald Trump on Friday announced on Friday he is terminating Washington's relationship with the World Health Organisation and imposing a range of sanctions against China for its deception with regards to the coronavirus pandemic and its actions in Hong Kong.

from Mix ID 8289560

Coronavirus: What happens next?

Clive Myrie meets patients and staff on the Covid ward at the Royal London Hospital.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Renters struggle most with pandemic costs, report says

Private renters are struggling with housing costs more than mortgage-payers, new research suggests.

from BBC News - Home

Week in pictures: 23-29 May 2020

A selection of news photographs taken around the world this week.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Debenhams makes some restaurant employees redundant

Retailer Debenhams makes staff in some of its cafes redundant after going into administration.

from BBC News - Home

Germany's Merkel rejects Trump invite to attend G7 summit in Washington- Politico

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Coronavirus: GPs not told when patients removed from 'shielding lists'

This has caused confusion and anxiety among extremely vulnerable people staying at home.

from BBC News - Home

The Papers: Weekend lockdown warnings and 'border farce'

Concerns over the public sticking to rules ahead of restrictions being lifted dominate Saturday's papers.

from BBC News - Home

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The African-American high fashion pioneer

The story of the little-known couturier who designed Jackie Kennedy's wedding dress

from BBC News - Home

The coronavirus conundrum when your mouth is your ‘hand’

The coronavirus pandemic becomes a different kind of challenge when you use your mouth as your ‘hands’.

from BBC News - Home

The coronavirus 'class divide': Parents judged for school return choices

Parents of year six and year one pupils have been falling out over whether to send them back to school.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: When will public toilets be reopened?

The lack of public loos has led to reports of visitors defecating in public spaces.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: How Turkey took control of Covid-19 emergency

Even without imposing a total lockdown, Turkey seems to have handled the outbreak well.

from BBC News - Home

The films to look out for at the We Are One festival

Cannes, Toronto and Sundance are among the film festivals uniting for an online streaming event.

from BBC News - Home

Rohingya refugee crisis: 'The bodies were thrown out of the boat'

Khadiza Begum, a Rohingya refugee, left Myanmar to escape violence but found more horror at sea.

from BBC News - Home

Investigators Find Rs 30 Million In Wreckage Of Crashed Pakistan Aircraft

Investigators and rescue officials have found around Rs 30 million in cash in the wreckage of the Pakistan International Airlines' aircraft that crashed wth 99 people on board, killing 97 people,...

from NDTV News - Special

Live Updates: India Crosses China's Coronavirus Death Count

The number of coronavirus cases in India crossed 1.6 lakh on Thursday, making it the ninth worst-hit country by the deadly virus infection, while the number of deaths crossed China's official count,...

from NDTV News - Special

China is embracing a new brand of foreign policy. Here's what wolf warrior diplomacy means

There is a new brand of diplomacy taking hold in Beijing and its chief architects have a suitably fierce nickname to match their aggressive style -- they are the wolf warriors.

from - RSS Channel - World

The woman who posted about equipment shortages fears for her job

Doctors in Russia are facing distrust as they battle the Covid-19 pandemic. CNN's Matthew Chance explores why.

from - RSS Channel - World

Don’t charge any fare from migrants: SC

The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the Centre and states not to charge even a penny from migrant workers for transporting them home through rail and road transport and asked the governments to give an estimate of the time it would take to send all stranded migrants back home.

from Mix ID 8289560

Live: India now No. 9 among Covid-hit countries

India's Covid-19 count has crossed the 1.6 lakh mark and a total of 4,531people have lost their lives due to the infection. With this, India climbed to the ninth spot among countries with the highest Covid-19 caseloads. Stay here for all live updates

from Mix ID 8289560

PM Modi not in 'good mood' over border row with China: Trump

Reiterating his offer to mediate on the border dispute between India and China, US President Donald Trump has said that he spoke with Narendra Modi about the "big conflict" and asserted that the Indian Prime Minister is not in a "good mood" over the latest flare-ups between the two countries. Trump said a "big conflict" was going on between India and China.

from Mix ID 8289560

No room for third party in India-China issues: Govt

A day after US President Donald Trump made an unsolicited offer to mediate, India made it clear there was no room for any third party in bilateral issues with China and stressed that it was “fully engaged with the Chinese side to peacefully resolve the issue” of Chinese incursions in Ladakh.

from Mix ID 8289560

Trump signs order on social media companies

President Donald Trump issued an executive order Thursday seeking to strip social media giants like Twitter of legal immunity for content posted by users. If this was enacted, the likes of Twitter and Facebook would become open to lawsuits and greatly increased government regulation. According to Trump, such platforms have "unchecked power to censor, restrict... virtually any form of communication between private citizens."

from Mix ID 8289560

Six local vaccine candidates identified

India has identified at least six local vaccine candidates with 30 groups trying to develop a vaccine for Covid-19. Besides, around 10 drugs are being re-purposed for use in treatment of the disease and are under different stages of trials, the government said while also highlighting that it was working on guidelines to prioritise distribution of the vaccine once it is available.

from Mix ID 8289560

Amit Shah speaks to all Chief Ministers

Union home minister Amit Shah on Thursday spoke to all chief ministers on the lockdown enforced to contain the spread of Covid-19 amid indications that states will continue to have a major say in deciding the curbs and opening-up measures. Shah is said to have elicited the CMs’ views on the way ahead after the fourth phase of the lockdown ends on May 31.

from Mix ID 8289560

Nepal wants foreign secy-level engagement

With Nepal insisting on foreign secretary-level talks to address the Kalapani border issue, even while simultaneously pushing through a constitutional amendment to validate its new map, India said on Thursday it was important to create an environment of trust and confidence for dialogue. India said it had noted that this matter was receiving “careful consideration” in Nepal, taking into account its seriousness.

from Mix ID 8289560

Coronavirus: Two households can meet outside in Wales from Monday

Changes to Wales' stay-at-home lockdown restrictions will be announced by the first minister later.

from BBC News - Home

Africa's week in pictures: 22 - 28 May 2020

Africa's week in pictures: 22 - 28 May 2020A selection of the week's best photos from across the continent.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Trump to hold conference on Friday on China

from Mix ID 8289560

The Papers: 'Happy Monday' on the way and 'football's coming home'

Eased lockdown restrictions dominate Friday's newspapers - while Dominic Cummings remains in the spotlight.

from BBC News - Home

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Biden accuser's credentials, expert testimony under scrutiny

Biden accuser's credentials, expert testimony under scrutinyState prosecutors in California are investigating the credentials that Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who has accused Joe Biden of assaulting her in 1993, attested to in as many as 20 criminal trials, including an attempted murder case where her testimony was deemed “critical.” The Monterey County District Attorney’s office said it never tried to verify the credentials on her resume before using her as a paid expert witness on domestic violence issues.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


SBI reduces FD rates by 40bps

State Bank of India (SBI) has reduced interest rate on its term deposits of most maturities by 40 basis points (100bps = 1 percentage point). Following the revision, the highest return offered by the bank is 5.4% on deposits of over five years. On bulk deposits, SBI has reduced returns by half a percentage point.

from Mix ID 8289560

Can open malls, hotels if Centre okays: K’taka

The Karnataka government is in favour of opening up malls, hotels, restaurants and cinema halls after May 31, when Lockdown 4.0 ends, provided the Centre agrees. Giving an indication to this effect on Wednesday, Karnataka chief minister BS Yediyurappa told reporters here: “I’ve written to the Centre seeking permission to open hotels, restaurants and malls. I’m awaiting their reply. I am hopeful that we will get permission.”

from Mix ID 8289560

Day after row, Rahul lauds Maha work on Covid-19

A day after his statement that the Congress was “only supporting” and “not running” the Maharashtra government sparked talk of a rift in the Maha Vikas Aghadi, Rahul Gandhi spoke to state environment minister and son of CM Uddhav Thackeray, Aaditya, saying “Maharashtra is doing good work on tackling Covid-19” and calling for a further increase in testing.

from Mix ID 8289560

'Hong Kong is no longer autonomous from China'

from Mix ID 8289560

India tally over 1.5 lakh, last 50k in 9 days

India crossed the grim milestone of 1.5 lakh Covid-19 cases by registering 6,366 fresh cases on Wednesday, taking the country’s total caseload to 1,54,141. While it took 109 days to breach the mark of one lakh cases, it took just nine days to cross the level of the next 50,000 cases, indicating a huge spurt in fresh cases.

from Mix ID 8289560

Nepal plan to validate new map delayed

The Nepal government's proposal for a constitutional amendment to revise the nation's map in the national emblem has run into rough weather despite PM K P Oli claiming widespread support for his controversial move to include parts of India's Pithoragarh districts in the face of uncertainty over whether the measure will garner a majority in Parliament.

from Mix ID 8289560

'India and China pose no threat to each other'

Amid tensions along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and some aggressive commentary in Chinese media, China’s ambassador to India Sun Weidong on Wednesday seemed to convey a more conciliatory message as he told a select gathering here that India and China didn’t pose a threat to each other and should never allow their differences to “shadow” bilateral cooperation.

from Mix ID 8289560

SpaceX-NASA crewed mission postponed

from Mix ID 8289560

India has an unlikely new type of period health educators: men

There's no trash can in the cramped washroom shared by almost 200 women at the congested Banjara Basti slum in Thane, a satellite city near Mumbai.

from - RSS Channel - World

U.S. senators weigh additional sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2

U.S. senators weigh additional sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2Two U.S. senators said on Wednesday they could draft further sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if Moscow finishes laying pipes for the project. U.S. sanctions legislation originally sponsored by Senators Ted Cruz, a Republican, and Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, in December halted work by Swiss-Dutch company Allseas on the pipeline that aims to boost Russia's gas exports under the Baltic Sea to Germany. The pipeline, aimed at bypassing Ukraine, could be launched by the end of 2020 or early next year, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


U.S. senators weigh additional sanctions on Russia's Nord Stream 2

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Cocaine and Guinea-Bissau: How Africa's 'narco-state' is trying to kick its habit

Cocaine and Guinea-Bissau: How Africa's 'narco-state' is trying to kick its habitConcern mounts about Guinea-Bissau commitment to curb drug trafficking, writes Ricci Shyrock.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Trump and Biden trade barbs over wearing a mask

President Trump and his likely presidential challenger Joe Biden clash over the humble face covering.

from BBC News - Home

Rebecca Parker is playing the piano for 100 days

98-year-old Rebecca Parker is playing the piano for 100 days to raise money for the NHS

from BBC News - Home

Himachal BJP Chief Resigns Amid Health Corruption Scandal

Himachal Pradesh BJP chief Rajeev Bindal today resigned from his post "on the basis of moral grounds," a week after a senior state health official was arrested on corruption allegations.

from NDTV News - Special

What Bolsonaro said as Brazil's coronavirus cases climbed

That Brazil saw warning signs would be a dramatic understatement.

from - RSS Channel - World

CNN reporter hit with tear gas during protest

Protests have erupted in the heart of Hong Kong's financial center. Police have fired pepper spray to disperse crowds as the city's legislative council debates the controversial national anthem bill. CNN's Anna Coren reports.

from - RSS Channel - World

Judge Rules Extradition Trial for Huawei CFO Can Continue

Judge Rules Extradition Trial for Huawei CFO Can ContinueA Canadian judge has ruled that the U.S. extradition case against Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou can move forward. Canadian authorities arrested Meng in 2018 at the request of the U.S., which has charged her with bank fraud and violating U.S. sanctions against Iran. Following a hearing in January, the judge ruled on Wednesday the case did indeed meet the standard for "double criminality," meaning the U.S. charges can also be considered crimes in Canada.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Judge Rules Extradition Trial For Huawei CFO Can Continue

Judge Rules Extradition Trial For Huawei CFO Can ContinueA Canadian judge has ruled that the U.S. extradition case against Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou can move forward. Canadian authorities arrested Meng in 2018 at the request of the U.S., which has charged her with bank fraud and violating U.S. sanctions against Iran. Following a hearing in January, the judge ruled on Wednesday the case did indeed meet the standard for "double criminality," meaning the U.S. charges can also be considered crimes in Canada.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


US ends waivers for nations in Iran nuclear deal

US ends waivers for nations in Iran nuclear dealThe United States said Wednesday it was ending waivers in its sanctions for nations that remain in the Iran nuclear accord, bringing the deal further to the verge of collapse. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he was responding to Iran's "brinkmanship" -- its series of small but defiant nuclear steps, aimed at pressuring the United States to remove sanctions as called for by the 2015 accord. "These escalatory actions are unacceptable and I cannot justify renewing the waiver," Pompeo said in a statement.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Centre set to redefine ‘migrant workers’

Learning from the ongoing migrant crisis, the government is set to redefine 'migrant workers' after 41 years and plans to register them to enable access to social security and health benefits under the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation. The Centre is planning to enact a law on this by the end of the year.

from Mix ID 8289560

The Papers: Test-and-trace 'revolution' and MPs 'fume' on Zoom

Thursday's newspapers look at a new NHS tracing scheme and share the latest on the Dominic Cummings row.

from BBC News - Home

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

SC suo motu takes up plight of migrants

The Supreme Court on Tuesday took suo motu cognisance of the plight of migrant workers during the lockdown following constant criticism by activists, activist-lawyers and even retired judges that the court was “insensitive” and had “bowed to the government” by refusing to entertain PILs highlighting the condition of workers who are walking home or are being herded into trucks.

from Mix ID 8289560

Swarms of locusts headed to Delhi?

A swarm of desert locusts that infested Jaipur on Monday morning could be headed towards the capital, if wind speed is favourable. Delhi has been kept on alert as such swarms are currently active in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, which is the most affected state.

from Mix ID 8289560

India not to budge in border confrontations with China

India will remain firm on the ground in the ongoing troop confrontations in eastern Ladakh where it said China has violated the unresolved boundary and obstructed Indian patrols even as New Delhi remains committed to a peaceful and diplomatic resolution. India will soon resume border infrastructure construction activities derailed by the coronavirus pandemic.

from Mix ID 8289560

Domicile rules change lives of two lakh in Jammu

from Mix ID 8289560

Epic 7,500-mile cuckoo migration wows scientists

Scientists have tracked a cuckoo's migratory flight from Africa to its breeding ground in Mongolia.

from BBC News - Home

TV host Jimmy Fallon 'very sorry' for 2000 blackface skit

The NBC's Tonight Show host called his depiction of comedian Chris Rock "unquestionably offensive".

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Sneakbo criticised over Aylesbury lockdown video

Police say officers "encouraged" those involved to "comply with social distancing guidelines".

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Why barber shops matter to the community

Barber shops are a central part of a community but how has lockdown changed this?

from BBC News - Home

Denmark embraces live music drive-ins

Mads Langer performs a drive-in concert for music fans in Copenhagen while social distancing.

from BBC News - Home

Australia's megafauna roamed the tropics with first humans but then disappeared

New evidence shows climate change may have wiped out Australia's giant beasts.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: How childminders are caring for children in their own home

'Lots of soap' is crucial, say childminders who have stayed open for key workers' children.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The human cost of virus misinformation

A BBC team tracking coronavirus misinformation has found links to assaults, arsons and deaths - and the potential for even greater indirect harm.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: 'Our children are all shut behind closed doors'

Lockdown has left many families with disabled children feeling cut-off, isolated and ignored.

from BBC News - Home

Soul Boy: The teen who found a home on the dancefloor

Anthony Flavin spent most of his life in care - a turning point was finding soul on the dancefloor.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Why Merkel may help fund Europe's recovery plan

Germany’s leader has agreed to shoulder some of the burden, but four "frugal" EU states are unhappy.

from BBC News - Home

Mumbai: How Covid-19 has ravaged India's richest city

With nearly 30,000 cases, Mumbai accounts for more than a fifth of India's coronavirus infections.

from BBC News - Home

BSNL Implements AnyCast DNS Allowing Faster Internet Browsing

BSNL has implemented a new DNS or Domain Name System to provide faster internet to its broadband and Fiber-to-the-home users. The AnyCast DNS implementation was shared by several BSNL...

from NDTV News - Special

Coronavirus: China's plan to test everyone in Wuhan

Officials said they planned to test all of Wuhan's residents over 10 days, so how have they done?

from BBC News - Home

India, China Commanders Met Along LAC In Ladakh: Report

High-level Indian and Chinese military commanders have met at designated points along the LAC (line of actual control) on May 22nd and May 23rd to defuse the current situation in Eastern Ladakh.

from NDTV News - Special

Sony Bravia X8000H, Bravia X7500H Series 4K HDR LED TVs Launched in India

Sony has added two new 4K HDR TV series in India - the Bravia X8000H and Bravia X7500H. Prices start at Rs. 61,900 for the X7500H series and Rs. 1,39,990 for the X8000H series.

from NDTV News - Special

Biden calls Trump a 'fool' for mocking masks during pandemic

Biden calls Trump a 'fool' for mocking masks during pandemicJoe Biden said Tuesday that wearing a mask in public to combat the spread of the coronavirus is a sign of leadership and called President Donald Trump a “fool” who was “stoking deaths” for suggesting otherwise. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s comments came a day after he wore a black face mask while making his first public appearance in more than two months. Biden has remained at his Delaware home amid a pandemic that has frozen the presidential campaign, but he marked Memorial Day by laying a wreath at a nearby veterans' memorial with his wife, Jill. Trump later retweeted a post that appeared to make fun of a photo of Biden in his mask, though he later said he didn't mean to be critical.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


US closes probes into 3 senators over their stock trades

US closes probes into 3 senators over their stock tradesThe Justice Department has closed investigations into stock trading by Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California, Kelly Loeffler of Georgia and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, according to people familiar with notifications sent to the senators. The senators came under scrutiny for transactions made in the weeks before the coronavirus sent markets downhill.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Covid-19: India unfazed by HCQ trial halt

While WHO has suspended HCQ trials, stoking further doubts about the efficacy of the drug in dealing with Covid-19, India is unlikely to roll back its medicine diplomacy in haste. The government, however, has asked its missions to check with countries it was looking to donate HCQ to if they still wanted the antimalarial drug.

from Mix ID 8289560

Monday, May 25, 2020

Centre Releases Rs 1,000 Crore To Bengal, Team To Assess Cyclone Damage

The Centre has released Rs 1,000 crore to the West Bengal government, as announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and a team of the Union government will visit the state soon to assess the damage...

from NDTV News - Special

Opinion: Amit Shah's 'Bhima Koregaon Model' Used For Anti-CAA Protests

The recent arrests of Jamia student Asif Iqbal Tanha and two JNU students, Devangana Kalita and Natasha Narwal, both activists with Pinjra Tod, shows that the union home ministry is convinced the...

from NDTV News - Special

Asian stocks rise, boosted by 're-opening optimism'

Asian stocks rose on Tuesday, as a growing number of cities and countries around the world take steps toward re-opening.

from - RSS Channel - World

We Will Have to Plan to Work in Batches, as Per Medical Norms After Lockdown is Lifted: Bharat Arun

It's been close to two months since the entire country has been in a lockdown. The cricketing action too has take a hit and no matches have taken place since March. While it has been tough on the fans to stay away from the game, the situation has been worse for the players, especially bowlers, as this break is going to affect their performance.

from Top CricketNext News-

Coronavirus: No new deaths in Republic of Ireland

Ireland's chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said the Republic has "suppressed Covid-19 as a country".

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus Pushes Government's First Anniversary Celebration Online

The first anniversary of the Narendra Modi government's second term will be marked online in a big way in view of the challenge posed by the highly infectious coronavirus. A detailed plan of action...

from NDTV News - Special

Senior adviser to British PM won't apologize for traveling during coronavirus lockdown

Senior adviser to British PM won't apologize for traveling during coronavirus lockdownDominic Cummings, a senior adviser to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is rebuffing calls for his resignation and refusing to apologize for traveling with his family in March and April amid the country's coronavirus lockdown.During a press conference on Monday, Cummings admitted that he drove 264 miles from London to his parents' house in Durham with March. He was accompanied by his wife and son, and at the time, both he and his wife suspected they had coronavirus. Cummings said they drove to Durham in case they became sick and needed his niece to watch their son, and claimed he stayed in a separate building with his family and only communicated with his parents by yelling at them from far away. "I don't regret what I did," he said.Cummings also revealed that after a 14-day self-quarantine, his family drove 30 miles away to Barnard Castle, saying he needed to "check his eyesight was good enough for the longer drive back to London," The Guardian reports. Cummings and his family returned to London on April 14, and he claimed people who saw him in Durham on April 19 were mistaken.At least 20 members of the Conservative Party have said Cummings should resign, the Labour Party has called for an investigation, and scientists have said Cummings' actions likely undermined public health advice. Cummings directed the Vote Leave campaign during Brexit, which helped usher Johnson into power, and the prime minister is supporting him. On Sunday, Johnson said Cummings "followed the instincts of every father and every parent" and as such, would not be dismissed. Johnson was hospitalized with coronavirus in April, spending time in the intensive care unit.More stories from Trump insults Marine veteran Rep. Conor Lamb, calls him an 'American fraud' How social conservatives traded causes for clichés Virgin Orbit's inaugural rocket launch fails

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Coronavirus: Window cleaner helps elderly clients through isolation

Window cleaner Vin Kennedy has been a link to the outside world for his self-isolating clients.

from BBC News - Home

Indigenous nurse on Brazil's frontline in virus fight

Vanderlecia Ortega dos Santos is the sole nurse caring for a community of 700 in Manaus, Brazil.

from BBC News - Home

Italy's medical workers: 'We became heroes but they've already forgotten us'

With Italy past the peak of coronavirus, medical staff say the trauma is only just hitting them now.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: What's the future for the office?

As companies hint at more home-working, how could our work culture be about to shift?

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus doctor's diary: The drug combination that may help us beat Covid-19

Dr John Wright expects a treatment involving three different types of drug to be effective against the virus.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Call for clear face masks to be 'the norm'

Transparent masks allow deaf people to communicate - but supplies are short where they are most needed.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus in South Africa: Smokers fume at cigarette ban

The government is to ease lockdown restrictions and allow the sale of alcohol - but not cigarettes.

from BBC News - Home

Huawei: What would happen if the UK ditched the Chinese firm?

Officials are taking another look into Huawei, but the Chinese firm warns against a 5G ban.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The strangers reaching out to Kyrgyzstan's lonely teenagers

Worried by teens' mental health struggles during Kyrgyzstan's coronavirus lockdown, one group acted.

from BBC News - Home

Last-minute cancellations cause chaos as air travel resumes

Domestic air travel had a bumpy take-off on its comeback on Monday after two months of being grounded, thanks to an already sanitised first-day schedule being almost halved at short notice to leave hundreds of stranded flyers marooned again in a mess of last-minute coordination between the civilian aviation ministry and states.

from Mix ID 8289560

As migrants go home, ICMR ramps up testing

Taking cognisance of the expected surge in Covid-19 cases due to influx of migrant workers in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Odisha, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is working to scale up testing facilities and capacities. Testing capacity - already increased to 1.4 lakh samples per day - is now being further raised to 2 lakh samples per day, the council said.

from Mix ID 8289560

India-China standoff: Talks seen as only way out

The immediate provocation for the PLA incursions 1-3 km into Indian territory this time was to object against the construction of small feeder link roads in certain 'finger areas' (mountainous spurs). Some analysts have read the Chinese moves in the context of India's recent decisions to scrutinise Chinese investments and may be a warning not to be proactive in supporting calls for an investigation into the origin of coronavirus.

from Mix ID 8289560

BSNL Announces Long-Term Rs. 2,399 Pre-Paid Plan With 600 Days Validity

BSNL has added a new plan to its list that costs Rs. 2,399. This plan includes no data benefits and has a validity of 600 days.

from NDTV News - Special

Lufthansa clinches $10 billion bailout

Lufthansa and the German government have finalized the terms of a €9 billion ($9.8 billion) bailout, following weeks of intense negotiations over the future of Europe's leading global airline.

from - RSS Channel - World

Coronavirus in South Africa: Smokers fume at cigarette ban

Coronavirus in South Africa: Smokers fume at cigarette banThe government is to ease lockdown restrictions and allow the sale of alcohol - but not cigarettes.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


The Papers: Shops 'to open for business', and 'no regrets' for Cummings

The PM's senior aide is on many front pages after his justification of a trip to Durham during lockdown.

from BBC News - Home

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Donald Trump bans entry to foreigners coming from coronavirus hotspot Brazil

Donald Trump bans entry to foreigners coming from coronavirus hotspot BrazilPresident Donald Trump on Sunday further limited travel from the world's coronavirus hotspots by denying entry to foreigners coming from Brazil, which is second to the US in the number of confirmed cases. Mr Trump had already banned certain travelers from China, Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland and, to a lesser extent, Iran. He has not moved to ban travel from Russia, which has the world's third-highest caseload. Mr Trump had said last week that he was considering limiting travel from Brazil. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany cast the step announced on Sunday as another "decisive action to protect our country" by Mr Trump, whose management of the crisis has come under sharp scrutiny. The US leads the world with more than 1.6 million confirmed coronavirus cases and a death toll that is expected to surpass 100,000 later this week, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. Brazil, now Latin America's hardest-hit country, is second, with more than 347,000 cases and more than 22,000 deaths. Third on the list is Russia, with more than 344,000 reported cases and more than 3,500 deaths. The White House did not immediately respond to queries about whether a travel ban would be imposed on Russia.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


SOPs revised for flights to bring Indians home

from Mix ID 8289560

UP: 'Quarantine' posters on houses of returnees

from Mix ID 8289560

Flight resumption faces air pockets in some states

Many Passengers Will Be Left With Cancelled Tickets

from Mix ID 8289560

Domestic flights resume today: 'Only asymptomatic passengers can fly'

from Mix ID 8289560

India ready for long stand-off on China front

from Mix ID 8289560

Coronavirus: UK government draws up plan to rescue key firms

The government could aid strategically important firms impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Care home creates 'drive-through' visit

After careful planning, families were able to see the residents of one care home from the safety of their cars.

from BBC News - Home

The South Korean protester living in the sky

Kim Yong-hee has spent a year living on a 20-metre-high traffic tower in protest at Samsung's zero-union policy.

from BBC News - Home

Family of exiled top Saudi officer Saad al-Jabri 'targeted'

Saad al-Jabri fled to Canada but officials are going after his children back home, the BBC is told.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus lockdown could ‘deal fatal blow’ to HIV in the UK

The coronavirus lockdown has created a unique opportunity to reduce HIV transmissions in the UK, according to one of Europe’s largest sexual health clinics.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Creative solutions to social distancing

As some lockdown restrictions ease, countries are finding inventive ways to keep people safe in public spaces.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: How lockdown brought a village closer together

A huge volunteer effort has brought Piddlehinton's 500 residents closer together.

from BBC News - Home

The Metro Manila priests fighting coronavirus with the cross

With the cross in one hand, alcohol spray in the other, a group of Catholic priests in Metro Manila have been risking their lives to serve their poverty-stricken community.

from BBC News - Home

'I left my campervan in Argentina'

Thousands of van-driving nomads were living the dream - until the coronavirus pandemic brought them to a sudden halt.

from BBC News - Home

Capt Tom donations: How the £33m actually being spent on?

The money raised cannot be used to buy core equipment - instead it is being used in other ways.

from BBC News - Home

The man who sells 700 million sandwiches a year

Patrick Coveney, is the boss of the UK's largest sandwich maker of pre-packaged sandwiches.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The unseen key workers keeping things going

Our toilets still flush and our homes still have power in lockdown thanks to these key workers.

from BBC News - Home

White House announces new travel restrictions on Brazil

President Donald Trump has issued a proclamation suspending entry into the US for any individual who has been in Brazil within 14 days immediately preceding their attempt to enter the United States.

from - RSS Channel - World

Trump's tough choices over Hong Kong

Successive administrations have struggled with an increasingly aggressive China, while factoring in the geopolitical reality that it is, and will likely continue to be, a global heavyweight. With just six months to go until the US presidential election, China has become a popular political football.

from - RSS Channel - World

Judge rules against Florida on felons paying fines to vote

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Athletes given post-lockdown training guidance

The government publishes new guidelines for elite athletes returning to contact training when individual sports deem it safe.

from BBC News - Home

The Papers: No 10 'chaos' as 'defiant' PM defends Cummings

Monday's front pages are dominated by the growing pressure facing Boris Johnson to sack his senior adviser.

from BBC News - Home

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Coronavirus: Your pictures of 'the view from my window'

Our readers reveal the view from their windows as they spend time indoors during the coronavirus pandemic.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: When can we hug our friends and family again?

Advice on how to look after your mental health during the pandemic crisis.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The 3D artists helping fashion through Covid-19

British artist Harriet Davey is among the CGI artists creating virtual models for fashion shows.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Your tributes to those who have died

A collection of your tributes to some of the thousands of people in the UK who have died with coronavirus.

from BBC News - Home

Stan's Donuts: A farewell to a shop closed by coronavirus

Coronavirus has forced thousands of small businesses to shut in the US. Stan's Donuts is just one.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Which health claims are circulating online?

A wide range of false and misleading health claims continue to spread on social media.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Spending lockdown in Henry VIII's palace

What's it like living and working in the UK's former castles and palaces during the pandemic?

from BBC News - Home

'My mother died as she lived - not wanting to make a fuss'

When Howard Jacobson's mother died this month there could be no big family funeral - but then she never wanted to be a bother to anyone.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus doctor's diary: A patient given hours to live, who proved us wrong

Mary Blessington was discharged then soon deteriorated, showing that the path to recovery can be long and hard.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Why reopening French schools is a social emergency

Children returning to school are often from wealthier families, so why are other pupils staying home?

from BBC News - Home

Infinix Hot 9 Series to Launch in India on May 29

Infinix Hot 9 series will make its India debut on May 29, e-retailer Flipkart has revealed. The e-retailer hasn't shared any features or specifications of the upcoming phones, but it seems to have...

from NDTV News - Special

Shocking video shows destruction from crash

Dozens of people are dead after a Pakistan International Airlines flight crashed in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi.

from - RSS Channel - World

Coronavirus: Care homes could 'go to the wall' as costs rise

Thirty out of 102 care home providers contacted by the BBC said none of their staff had been tested.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus exodus: Death and despair as Indian workers flee cities

Tens of thousands of Indians are trying to get back to their home villages, with many forced to walk hundreds of miles with little food or water.

from BBC News - Home

The Papers: Cummings faces fresh claims as PM defends aide

Allegations Boris Johnson's senior adviser broke lockdown rules for a second time features on many front pages.

from BBC News - Home

Rwanda genocide: How Félicien Kabuga evaded capture for 26 years

Rwanda genocide: How Félicien Kabuga evaded capture for 26 yearsFélicien Kabuga outwitted Rwandan genocide prosecutors by using 28 aliases and powerful connections.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Iranian ships approach Venezuela with no sign of US threat

Iranian ships approach Venezuela with no sign of US threatThe first of five tankers loaded with gasoline sent from Iran approached Venezuelan waters late Saturday, expected to temporarily ease the South American nation’s fuel crunch while defying Trump administration sanctions targeting the two U.S. foes. The oil tanker Fortune encountered no immediate signs of U.S. interference as it eased through Caribbean waters toward the Venezuelan coast and Venezuelan officials celebrated the arrival. “Iran and Venezuela have always supported each other in times of difficulty,” Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza tweeted.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Govt pushes PSU banks to provide cheaper loans to small businesses

The government is pushing public sector banks to provide additional working capital to small businesses at 7.5% interest under the loan guarantee scheme that proposes to provide up to Rs 3 lakh crore, while also asking them to ensure that senior citizens earn higher returns on their fixed deposits. Bankers have been asked to ensure widespread implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana.

from Mix ID 8289560

More troops moved to bolster E Ladakh frontline

A few additional infantry battalions have been moved into Ladakh from other areas to ensure they can replace in "rear locations" the acclimatised troops shifted forward to the sites of confrontation with the PLA, said sources. Some other units under the Leh-based infantry division have also similarly moved to "occupy their forward operational alert areas" from their "permanent locations in depth."

from Mix ID 8289560

Army, NDRF work to help Kolkata back on its feet

from Mix ID 8289560

Wholesale veggie prices crash during lockdown

from Mix ID 8289560

Fuel demand back to 65% of year-ago level: Govt

from Mix ID 8289560

Don't indulge in politics, have patience: Mamata

from Mix ID 8289560

Friday, May 22, 2020

Canada v US: Loon stabs eagle through heart

The loon, which is on Canada's dollar coin, and the eagle, America's national bird, fought to the death.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The advice you would give your pre-lockdown self

If you could go back to the start of 2020 and give yourself pre-lockdown advice, what would it be?

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Five things a Covid-19 symptom-tracking app tells us

A major study suggests cases rose after sports events and two million had the disease at its peak.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus in the Maldives: The couple trapped on never-ending honeymoon

A Dubai-based couple are still stuck at a deserted resort, more than two months after their wedding.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: The shops refusing to pay their rent

As the next quarter's rent falls due, who should pay it while businesses are closed?

from BBC News - Home

Heinrich Himmler: How a fake stamp led to the Nazi SS leader's capture

Seventy-five years after his death, the Nazi SS leader's possessions are due to go on display in the UK.

from BBC News - Home

US Mulls "Nuclear Option" As China Threatens Hong Kong Autonomy

The United States on Friday stepped up threats to strip Hong Kong of special trading privileges as it led Western nations in anger over China's brazen assault on the territory's autonomy.

from NDTV News - Special

COVID-19 Outbreak Confined To Limited Areas Due To Lockdown, Says Centre

The government on Friday said the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and deaths due to it have remained confined to limited areas, most of which are urban, due to the implementation of the lockdown.

from NDTV News - Special

Home loan rates set to dip to 15-yr low, EMIs to fall

The RBI's announcement is good news for home loan borrowers with a secure income, as interest rates in this category will come down by 40 basis points (100bps equal 1 percentage point) to around 7%. This is the lowest level in over 15 years. Also, borrowers who are facing income uncertainty because of the Covid-19 lockdown can avail of an additional three-month moratorium to get their finances in order.

from Mix ID 8289560

Apex court seeks govt’s reply on plea for Zoom app audit

The Supreme Court on Friday sought the Centre’s response to a PIL seeking a comprehensive technical and security audit of Zoom video application, apprehending that the increase in use of this app for video conferencing and webinars was posing a serious threat to privacy and data security.

from Mix ID 8289560

In 8th straight cut, RBI slashes key rate 40 basis pts to new all-time low

The Reserve Bank of India on Friday unexpectedly cut key interest rates by 40 basis points, citing negative GDP growth in the current fiscal amidst a "double whammy" of loss of production as well as demand even as it said it expected inflation to harden in the first half of the fiscal year. The RBI also allowed lenders to extend an ongoing moratorium on loan repayment, which was due to end on May 31, by another three months to August 31.

from Mix ID 8289560

In run-up to Hong Kong law, China sought India help

China briefed key nations, including India, before bringing in a tough national security law for Hong Kong, which Beijing says is aimed to curb secessionist sentiments, sources said. The explanation, both verbal and written, was done to soften the inevitable criticism.

from Mix ID 8289560

Amid tensions with China, Army chief visits Ladakh

Army chief General M M Naravane visited Ladakh on Friday to review the operational situation along the unresolved border with China, which has witnessed rival troop build-ups after violent clashes. His visit came a day after the government asserted it remained “deeply committed to ensuring India’s security and sovereignty”.​

from Mix ID 8289560

Dozens die as Pakistan airliner with 99 on board crashes into crowded Karachi area

Dozens of people were killed and, miraculously, two passengers survived, including a top banker, when a Pakistan International Airlines aircraft with 99 people on board, including crew, crashed on Friday into a crowded residential area near the airport in the country’s southern port city of Karachi.

from Mix ID 8289560

ऑस्ट्रेलिया के पूर्व कप्तान बॉर्डर ने कहा- लीग पैसा कमाने का जरिया, इसे टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप पर तरजीह न मिले

ऑस्ट्रेलिया के पूर्व कप्तान एलन बॉर्डर ने कहा है कि इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग (आईपीएल) सिर्फ पैसा कमाने का जरिया है। इसे किसी भी सूरत में टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप पर तरजीह न दी जाए। बॉर्डर ने एबीसी के 'ग्रैंडस्टैंड कैफे रेडियो' प्रोग्राम के दौरान यह बात कही।

इस साल ऑस्ट्रेलिया में 18अक्टूबर से 15 नवंबर तकटी-20 वर्ल्ड कप खेला जाना है। लेकिन कोरोना की वजह से टूर्नामेंट के रद्द होने या टलने की पूरी आशंका है।ऐसे में वर्ल्ड कप की विंडो में आईपीएल कराने की बात हो रही है। बॉर्डर इसी बात सेनाराज हैं।

टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप की जगह आईपीएल कराना गलत: चैपल

उन्होंने कहा- मैं इससे खुश नहीं हूं। अंतरराष्ट्रीय टूर्नामेंट को हमेशा लोकल टूर्नामेंट पर तरजीह मिलनी चाहिए। इसलिए अगर किसी भी सूरत में टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप नहीं होता है तो आईपीएल भी नहीं होना चाहिए। मैं इस फैसले पर सवाल उठाऊंगा। क्योंकि आईपीएल सिर्फ पैसा कमाने का जरिया है।

अगर टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप की जगह आईपीएल कराया जाता है तो यह खेल के लिए गलत मिसाल होगी। ऐसी सूरत में इस फैसले के खिलाफ विरोध जताने के लिए सभी देशों के क्रिकेट बोर्ड को अपने खिलाड़ी इस लीग में नहीं भेजने चाहिए।

'अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट में भारत का रसूख ज्यादा'

बॉर्डर ने कहा कि वह जानते हैं कि अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट में भारत का रसूख ज्यादा है। क्योंकि आईसीसी को होने वाली कमाई में करीब 80 फीसदी हिस्सा उसी से आता है।

कमिंस आईपीएल के सबसे महंगे विदेशी खिलाड़ी

आईपीएल के 13वें सीजन की नीलामी में सबसे महंगे बिके पांच खिलाड़ियों में से तीन ऑस्ट्रेलिया के थे। इसमें पैट कमिंस को सबसे ज्यादा 15.5 करोड़ रुपए मिले थे। वे आईपीएल इतिहास के सबसे महंगे विदेशी खिलाड़ी बने थे। उन्हें कोलकाता नाइटराइडर्स (केकेआर) ने खरीदा था।

उनके हमवतन ऑलराउंडर ग्लेन मैक्सवेल को किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने 10.75 करोड़ रुपए में खरीदा था। इसके अलावा नाथन कूल्टर नाइल को मुंबई ने 8 करोड़ में खरीदा था।आईपीएल की नीलामी में शामिल विदेशी खिलाड़ियों में सबसे बड़ी संख्या ऑस्ट्रेलिया की थी। यहां के 35 प्लेय़र्स नीलामी के लिए चुने गए थे।

टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप टालने पर जोर नहीं: बीसीसीआई

इस बीच, बीसीसीआई ने आईपीएल को टी-20 वर्ल्डकप की जगह कराने को लेकर चल रही खबरों पर विराम लगा दिया। भारतीय बोर्ड का कहना है वह वर्ल्डकप को टालने या रद्द करने पर जोर नहीं देगा। हां, अगर अक्टूबर-नवंबर के स्लॉट में जगह मिलती है तो आईपीएल कराने के बारे में सोचा जा सकता है।

कोरोना के कारण टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप टल सकता है

कोरोनावायरस की वजह से पहले ही मार्च में शुरू होने वाले आईपीएल के 13वें सीजन को अगले आदेश तक के लिए टाल दिया गया है, जबकि कोरोना से पैदा हुए खतरे के बीच टी-20 वर्ल्ड कप भी रद्द हो सकता है। अगले हफ्ते तक इसका ऐलान किया जा सकता है।

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ऑस्ट्रेलिया के पूर्व कप्तान एलन बॉर्डर ने कहा कि वह जानते हैं कि अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट में भारत का रसूख ज्यादा है। क्योंकि आईसीसी को होने वाली कमाई में करीब 80 फीसदी हिस्सा भारत से आता है। -फाइल

from Mix ID 8289560

Covid coaches to be redone for Shramik Spl

With virtually no takers for its Covid coaches, the Railway Board has decided to reconvert nearly 3,100 of these remodelled coaches which can be deployed for running Shramik Special trains. The railways had converted around 5,321 coaches as isolation coaches for Covid patients. The Railway Board has issued a communication to all zones regarding this.

from Mix ID 8289560

Officers 'wary' as spit attacks rise in coronavirus pandemic

The Crown Prosecution Service says it is 'moving quickly' to bring these cases to justice.

from BBC News - Home

Brazil court releases foul-mouthed Bolsonaro video

It is part of a probe into allegations the president tried to replace top federal police officials.

from BBC News - Home

The Papers: Cummings lockdown 'breach', and holiday 'hope'

The news the PM's senior adviser travelled from London to Durham to self-isolate with Covid-19 symptoms features on many front pages.

from BBC News - Home

One American was aboard the plane that crashed in Pakistan, official says

One US citizen was on board the flight that crashed in Karachi, Pakistan, on Friday, a State Department official told CNN.

from - RSS Channel - World

Biden: Black voters considering Trump 'ain't black'

The Democrat later tries to limit the fallout by saying he has never taken black voters for granted.

from BBC News - Home

Trump drug hydroxychloroquine raises death risk in Covid patients, study says

Coronavirus hospital patients given hydroxychloroquine were more likely to die, medical journal study says.

from BBC News - Home

Nasa SpaceX crew mission cleared to launch

A review panel finds no technical reason to delay the first US orbital crew launch in nine years.

from BBC News - Home

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Covid deaths: 50% above 60 yrs; 73% had other ailments

As earlier, men are more at risk when it comes to fatalities, accounting for 64% of deaths.

from Mix ID 8289560

Covid live: Migrants to get help at toll plazas

The Covid-19 pandemic continued to surge in India, with the number of fresh cases rising by 5,864 to 116,744 on Thursday, the fifth single-day peak recorded in daily cases in the past six days. The death toll stands at 3,583. Stay with TOI for live updates

from Mix ID 8289560

UGC OKs pursuing 2 degree courses simultaneously

UGC has approved a proposal to allow students to pursue two degree programmes at the same time. One of the degrees has to be in the regular mode and the other either in open and distance learning or online. A student can pursue two degrees in different streams as well as from different institutions. S/he may also opt for the same institution, provided it offers multiple mode of learning.

from Mix ID 8289560

2,050 Shramik trains moved only 30% migrants

from Mix ID 8289560

72 killed in Amphan’s march through Bengal, PM Modi to visit today

from Mix ID 8289560

US deports Osmania graduate with Qaeda link

from Mix ID 8289560

Railway booking counters to open from today

from Mix ID 8289560

In touch with UK over extradition of Mallya: MEA

India is in touch with the British govt over the extradition of fugitive liquor baron Vijay Mallya, said External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava on Thursday. Mallya had exhausted legal options against New Delhi's request to the UK to extradite him last week after losing his appeals in the UK Supreme Court against his extradition to India to face fraud charges.

from Mix ID 8289560

How will we pay for the coronavirus damage?

Coronavirus has cost the UK government hundreds of billions of pounds. How will we pay for it?

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Job adverts increase in rural areas despite Covid-19

Roofers and security guards are among professions with increased demand, one study suggests.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: St Paul's Cathedral sets up online book of remembrance

St Paul's Cathedral is organising the virtual memorial, with choristers recording a piece of music.

from BBC News - Home

Earlier coronavirus lockdown 'could have saved 36,000 lives'

As study estimates death toll if lockdown began a week earlier, President Trump says 'I was so early'.

from BBC News - Home

National People's Congress: China's parliament meets for post-virus show of strength

The session comes as China emerges from the virus crisis, and appears set to limit Hong Kong's freedoms.

from BBC News - Home

How bumble bees trick plants into flowering early

It's the first time scientists have observed this behaviour, which bees do when pollen is scarce.

from BBC News - Home

Pollution: Birds 'ingesting hundreds of bits of plastic a day'

Plastic pollutants in UK rivers are finding their way into wildlife and moving up the food chain.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Could there be a second wave?

What factors determine a potential second wave of Covid-19 infections?

from BBC News - Home

Quiz of the Week: How did the Queen fare on the rich list?

How closely have you been paying attention to what's been going on during the past seven days?

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Photos charting mental health in lockdown

How photographer Suzie Larke carried on photographing struggles with mental wellbeing.

from BBC News - Home

'Sharks everywhere': Angler films feeding frenzy in Australia

An Australian fisherman says he was stunned to come across dozens of sharks feeding in shallow waters.

from BBC News - Home

Eid in lockdown: Muslim influencers share their style tips

Three Muslim influencers share their style tips, as millions prepare to celebrate the end of Ramadan.

from BBC News - Home

Keith Urban on his lockdown drive-in concert

The US country music star performed to healthcare workers in their cars in Tennessee.

from BBC News - Home

Africa's week in pictures: 15 - 21 May 2020

Africa's week in pictures: 15 - 21 May 2020A selection of the week's best photos from across the continent.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Her homeschooling rant went viral; now schools are back

As students in Israel return to school, CNN catches up with one mother whose frustration at homeschooling went viral.

from - RSS Channel - World

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Boy chosen as the Panchen Lama disappeared in 1995. China says he's now a college grad with a job

Twenty-five years ago, a six-year-old boy was recognized as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, the second-highest ranking figure in Tibetan Buddhism. He promptly disappeared.

from - RSS Channel - World

US slams China’s ‘disturbing behaviour’ at India border

In a sharp criticism of China over border tensions with India, the US on Wednesday described Beijing's actions as "disturbing behaviour" and said the skirmishes were a reminder of the threat China posed as it sought to use its power, whether in the South China Sea or on the borders with India.

from Mix ID 8289560

12 killed as cyclone Amphan batters Bengal at 165kmph

Barrelling in from the Bay of Bengal with wind speeds of up to 185kmph, severe cyclonic storm Amphan on Wednesday cut a swathe through northern Odisha before bearing down on West Bengal, where it claimed 10 to 12 lives, flattened houses and cast aside trees and electricity poles like matchsticks in six-and-a-half hours of monstrous fury that left Kolkata and most of south Bengal pulverised.

from Mix ID 8289560

India reacts sharply to Nepal releasing new map

from Mix ID 8289560

Trains to run from June 1 to have AC, non-AC coaches

The Railways on Wednesday issued a list of 100 pairs of trains that it will operate from June 1, putting in operation popular trains such as Durontos, Sampark Krantis, Jan Shatabdis and Poorva Express. However, the Railways clarified that these trains will have both AC and non-AC classes and fully reserved coaches.

from Mix ID 8289560

Domestic flights to resume from May 25

Domestic flights will resume in a gradual manner from May 25, that is next Monday, civil aviation minister Hardeep Singh Puri said on Wednesday. The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has finalised its standard operating procedure for restoring schedule commercial flights as soon as the go-ahead for the game comes from the government.

from Mix ID 8289560

Sonam Kapoor posts pic of beauty pageant winners

from Mix ID 8289560

How Samsung may be 'important part' of iPhone 12

from Mix ID 8289560

Coronavirus: Film and photo project focuses on front-line NHS staff

Front-line NHS staff have contributed to a short film and photo series about "the hands that make us proud".

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: 'Fires were tough, but closing Mogo Zoo again was even harder'

Only weeks after reopening, Australia's fire-ravaged Mogo Zoo had to close again because of Covid-19.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Swimmers' joy as Tamworth quarry reopens

Swimmers film their return to Dosthill Quarry where strict social distancing measures are in place.

from BBC News - Home

Miami riots 1980: My friend was killed by my colleagues

After four white policemen were acquitted of killing a black man, Miami descended into chaos in 1980.

from BBC News - Home

Lockdown: South African actors create a hit online soap opera

A group of South African actors in lockdown are making a hit online soap opera from their homes.

from BBC News - Home

‘I’m very aware of my body changing in lockdown’

People who go the extra mile for their appearance on how they've reacted to their changing looks.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Running a campaign from home in lockdown

Campaigners are not letting restrictions hold them back in fighting for what they believe in.

from BBC News - Home

‘I wrote my wife a poem every day for 25 years’

Actor Peter Gordon raises the bar for romantic gestures.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Universities fear fall in lucrative overseas students

Education is one of the sectors of the global economy that is being hardest hit by the pandemic.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Sleepless nights for doctors in a war zone

People in Afghanistan dared to hope for peace, but they are now fighting both violence and the virus.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: What does it mean for natural disaster response?

How are emergency services preparing for natural disasters amid the coronavirus pandemic?

from BBC News - Home

Michigan dam had repeated safety violations before flooding

Michigan dam had repeated safety violations before floodingA hydroelectric dam that failed to hold back floodwaters this week in Michigan was the target of lengthy investigations by federal regulators, who revoked the facility's license over safety violations two years before the flooding that forced 10,000 people to evacuate their homes. Boyce Hydro Power’s history of violations lasted throughout the 14 years the company was authorized to run the nearly century-old Edenville dam, according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which said it repeatedly raised concerns about the dam's ability to prevent flooding during extreme conditions because of its inadequate spillway capacity. The dam on the Tobacco and Tittabawassee rivers, about 140 miles (225 kilometers) north of Detroit, was among several barriers overtaken Tuesday by floodwaters that chased people from communities in central Michigan.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


USAID Urges U.N. to Omit Abortion Access From COVID-19 Plan

USAID Urges U.N. to Omit Abortion Access From COVID-19 PlanThe Trump administration is urging the U.N. to remove any references to sexual and reproductive health from its COVID-19 humanitarian response plan. In a letter to U.N. Secretary General António Guterres, acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development John Barsa called on the U.N. to remain "focused on life-saving interventions" and not use the pandemic "as an opportunity to advance access to abortion as an 'essential service.'" He criticized the organization for putting sexual and reproductive health services "on the same level of importance as food-insecurity, essential health care, malnutrition, shelter, and sanitation," and made clear that the administration is "committed to the right to life." This isn't the first time the Trump administration and the U.N. clashed on the subject of reproductive rights.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


USAID Urges U.N. To Omit Abortion References From Global COVID-19 Plan

USAID Urges U.N. To Omit Abortion References From Global COVID-19 PlanThe Trump administration is urging the U.N. to remove any references to sexual and reproductive health from its COVID-19 humanitarian response plan. In a letter to U.N. Secretary General António Guterres, acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development John Barsa called on the U.N. to remain "focused on life-saving interventions" and not use the pandemic "as an opportunity to advance access to abortion as an 'essential service.'" He criticized the organization for putting sexual and reproductive health services "on the same level of importance as food-insecurity, essential health care, malnutrition, shelter, and sanitation," and made clear that the administration is "committed to the right to life." This isn't the first time the Trump administration and the U.N. clashed on the subject of reproductive rights.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


AP source: Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen to be released from prison

AP source: Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen to be released from prisonPresident Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen will be released from federal prison Thursday and is expected to serve the remainder of his sentence at home, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press. Cohen has been serving a federal prison sentence at FCI Otisville in New York after pleading guilty to numerous charges, including campaign finance fraud and lying to Congress.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Top Hizb commander among 2 killed in Srinagar encounter

from Mix ID 8289560

Donald Trump threatens to pull US out of WHO

from Mix ID 8289560

Terror suspects could face indefinite curbs under new legislation

New legislation would allow curfews and travel bans to continue beyond the current two-year limit.

from BBC News - Home

Johnson & Johnson to stop selling baby powder in US

The healthcare giant faces thousands of lawsuits from consumers claiming talc caused their cancer.

from BBC News - Home

Covid: Concerns over 'out of pocket' rail passengers

Some season ticket holders 'in the dark' over refunds, but firms say refund demand is unprecedented.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus in Africa: Contained or unrecorded?

Coronavirus in Africa: Contained or unrecorded?The continent has had less than 100,000 cases so far, but could be in for a prolonged outbreak.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines


As China faces a blacklash in the West, Xi needs Africa more than ever

Chinese leader Xi Jinping made preserving diplomatic ties in Africa a centerpiece of his opening address at the World Health Assembly earlier this week, as Beijing faces a backlash among some Western democracies for its role in the coronavirus pandemic.

from - RSS Channel - World

Priyanka Chopra's Piano Teacher Nick Jonas Reviews Her Progress

"She is very musical and she has had a musical career as well," said Nick Jonas

from NDTV News - Special

Coronavirus: Cancer surgery delays risk 'thousands' of deaths

The NHS is warned not to "lose sight" of other areas of life-saving medicine amid the coronavirus outbreak.

from BBC News - Home

Afghan maternity ward attack: The newborn baby who survived two gunshots

Amina is one of the youngest survivors of an attack on an Afghan maternity ward which killed 24 people last week.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: 'Wash hands at least six times a day'

Simple soap and water can kill the virus if you use it often enough, experts say.

from BBC News - Home

Losing a ‘beacon of light’ of the UK’s ultra-Orthodox community to coronavirus

The UK’s Jewish population has been hit particularly hard by coronavirus, religious and community leaders say.

from BBC News - Home

Letter-writing: Connection in disconnected times

Stuck indoors, people are turning to an old way of keeping in touch - even Taylor Swift is joining in.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Mixed reality headsets help medics treat Covid-19 patients

Hand gestures allow doctors to view x-rays and scans, and connect with colleagues in another room.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Women photographers document lockdown

Members of the Association of Photographers have been recording their lockdown experiences.

from BBC News - Home

Organ donation: Transplant stories as law changes

As life-saving organ donation laws come into force, four people share their transplant stories.

from BBC News - Home

'I returned to nursing the day the pandemic was declared'

Hannah spent 12 years recovering from mental ill health, then happened to return to nursing the day Covid-19 was declared a pandemic.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus lockdown: The Indian migrants dying to get home

Many poor Indians, fleeing hunger in locked down cities, have died of exhaustion or in accidents.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: 'He's not getting up till one o'clock'

Daunted by many more weeks of home-schooling? Don't panic, ask for help, say education professionals.

from BBC News - Home

Rami Makhlouf: The rift at the heart of Syria's ruling family

What's behind the angry videos posted by the billionaire relative of Bashar al-Assad?

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: 'I'm doing my university year abroad in Australia online'

University students in the UK are facing virtual year abroad courses amid the coronavirus pandemic.

from BBC News - Home
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