Shah Rukh Khan is currently in Kolkata to cheer for his IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders, as they play against Royal Challengers Bangalore. Now, a video of the superstar straight from the Eden Garden (where the game is happening) is doing rounds on the Internet. In the viral video, Shah Rukh Khan can be seen grooving to Jhoome Jo Pathaan from his recently released film Pathaan, co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. The video starts with SRK doing the steps of the viral track and then happily waving at the fans and blowing kisses.
Shah Rukh Khan looks uber cool in a black hoodie and matching bottoms. The superstar added black tinted sunglasses to accentuate his look. SRK's fan page shared a video on Twitter and captioned it as "Eden Gardens posing with the happiness of "Jhoome Jo Pathaan".
Check out the viral video here:
Eden Gardens posing with the happiness of "JHOOME JO PATHAAN "💜💥 #KKRvsRCB #ShahRukhKhan #KKR #AmiKKR
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) April 6, 2023
IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders is co-owned by Shah Rukh Khan, Juhi Chawla and her husband Jay Mehta.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan has broken all kinds of box office records. It has become the "no 1 Hindi film in India". Sharing the update, trade analyst Taran Adarsh wrote, "Absence of notable/new films in the market gives Pathaan a big boost... Numbers witness an upward trend on [sixth] Friday... Another strong weekend is on the cards... [Week 6] Friday 1.05 crore. Total: Rs 511.70 crore. Hindi. India business," and added, "Now No. 1 Hindi film in India."
Read the tweet below:
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) March 3, 2023
1. #Pathaan
2. #Baahubali2 #Hindi
3. #KGF2 #Hindi
4. #Dangal
NOTE: #India biz. Nett BOC. #Hindi version ONLY.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan will be next seen in Jawan and Dunki.
from NDTV News- Special
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